Markel Insurance returns in 2017 for the sixth consecutive year sponsoring the National Reining Breeders Classic Non Pro Draw Party. The popular party takes place Wednesday evening, April 19, upstairs in the Texas Children’s Hospital Arena Club at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center in Katy, Texas.

Markel Director of Western Disciplines and National Reining Horse Association Hall of Fame member Frank Costantini is a true NRBC fan. “Markel is very pleased to have the opportunity to come back for the 6th year to sponsor the Non Pro Draw Party. The best part of the evening is seeing the interaction among all the exhibitors. From the first-time participant to those who have been around the pen a time or two, there is a lot of good-natured kidding and a tiny hint of nervous energy displayed by almost all the Non-Pros in the room. From Markel’s point of view, these people are critical to our industry. Their importance can’t be overstated. On a personal note, I am very happy to be able to represent a great organization to a great group of people!”

NRBC Secretary-Treasurer Cheryl Magoteaux Cody noted, “It’s true that the Non Pros are the heart of the reining world and of the NRBC and last year we teamed up with Markel to create a new annual award, the NRBC Markel Distinguished Non Pro trophy. Our first recipient was super-volunteer Rita Reed Harris, and this year, it will again be given to a deserving Non Pro during the Non Pro draw party.

The recipient is chosen by a panel that evaluates all the qualities that make up incredible Non Pros.” Frank said, “The Markel Distinguished Non Pro Award is in its second year and what makes it unique is that it isn’t for the Non Pro who gets all the accolades in the show pen, but for the person that you are always glad to see at an event. It’s that individual who really doesn’t care how good or bad they or you do, but is always ready to help out, give you a pat on the back, or a word of encouragement. It’s this reiner that makes the NRBC and the reining world a better place because they are a part of it!”

Discussing the NRBC and the people who are part of it brought back some poignant memories for Costantini. “My first trip to Katy, Texas and the NRBC was very special to me personally. When the NRBC Board moved the event to Katy in 2001, I called my uncle, Joe Costantini, who was always called Junior in our family. I told him I was coming to Katy in April for an event. Since very few of his relatives made the trip from Youngstown to Katy, it was very special for him. He was aware that I had been President of the NRHA and was still involved in the industry. When I got to Katy, I just found out how insignificant I really was. My uncle had gotten to know Cheryl Cody, Colleen McQuay and the office staff, was a starter at the course where the Golf Tournament was played and mingled with all the golfers who participated and literally became a one-man welcoming committee for Katy, Texas. From the doughnuts to pizza to the “Boat”, he was part of the show each year and we were able to rekindle a relationship of a lifetime. Right after the show in 2007, Uncle Junior died. The NRBC and Katy, Texas gave my uncle and me an opportunity to spend some great times together.”

Cheryl added, “We all miss Joe Costantini and our memories of him are part of the rich relationship fabric that binds so many to this event! We were blessed to have both the Costantinis and their families become part of NRBC!” Markel Insurance has a long history of supporting the horse world in general and the reining industry in particular. Markel has an unwavering commitment to the entire horse industry. For information on Markel Insurance, visit the booth at the NRBC and the website at

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