Twenty-four years ago, a select group of reiners put their heads together to create one of the most groundbreaking programs in the reining world, the National Reining Breeders Classic. The show, slated for April 18-25 in 2021, is held annually at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center in Katy, Texas.

Eighteen years after the inception of NRBC – in a similar fashion – a group of veterinarians began fulfilling a vision for a probiotic that would effectually improve the gut health of foals and equine athletes. The result was Glycoguard and its key to success are the two strains of bacteria exclusive to this probiotic.

These two innovative entities – the NRBC and Glycoguard – were destined to unite. “Glycoguard’s values reflect the NRBC’s in many ways, but I feel the biggest is that we are both here to support the riders and their horses,” said Glycoguard Senior Sales Representative Caitlyn Caldwell. “So, when choosing who to sponsor and work with, it was very easy to choose NRBC. It’s a great show that brings top riders and horses from across the country and some internationally. Glycoguard strives to support our riders and their equine athletes. The stress of training, hauling, showing puts a huge strain on our equine athletes’ gut and overall health and wellbeing. A healthy gut means a happy healthy horse!”

Glycoguard is a 100 percent drug-free probiotic that supports the equine athlete’s gut for optimal health from the inside out. It is all live active bacteria made in small batches able to colonize in the gut. The unique combination of B. infantis and L. plantarum is designed to improve the balance of healthy microbes and promote the production of important short-chain fatty acids necessary for gut health. For more information about Glycoguard, visit the website at or contact Caitlyn Caldwell at 610-246-2073.

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