Over the years, paint reiners have held places of prominence in the industry. Many of the great sires, dams, and performers have been registered in the American Paint Horse Association, and that is why the association has partnered with the National Reining Breeders Classic to present special awards to some eye-catching athletes.

According to APHA Member Care Representative Freddie Alexander, the highest scoring APHA-registered horses in the Non Pro and Open divisions at the 2021 NRBC will receive a beautiful Gist Silversmiths trophy buckle. The high-point paints in the Youth, Rookie, and Non Pro classes will also receive Gist buckles. “I really enjoy coming to Katy, because you get to see the best horses in the world,” noted Alexander. “I work with a lot of the breeders, trainers, and owners over the phone, so it’s always great to meet those folks and form those good relationships.”

It’s a partnership that began several years ago. “When I took over this program in 2018, there was already a partnership between APHA and NRBC. This is a cool program, and it has been a benefit for everyone involved. Reining is such an international sport that it really expands our footprint. There are so many reiners that are either double-registered or eligible for it, and we can give the owners and riders the opportunity to win even more money and prizes,” Alexander shared.

To be eligible to win one of the Gist buckles, exhibitors must sign up either in person at the event or by e-mailing falexander@apha.com. “I’ll arrive on April 20 and have my mobile office set up, so in addition to signing up for the Buckle Incentive Program, owners will be able to register or transfer their paint horse, or even join the APHA while at the NRBC,” Alexander shared. “We can also visit about what opportunities are available to reiners at our World Show this summer. We have grown the purse for reining from $67,000 in 2018, to more than $107,000 in 2020.”

For more information about the APHA, contact Freddie Alexander at 817-312-7448 (cell), 817-834-2742 ext. 309 (office), falexander@apha.com, or visit www.APHA.com.

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