With the move to Tulsa from Katy, the NRBC will return to unstructured schooling. After arena conditioning at the end of classes each day, riders may ride until the arena closes for ground prep prior to the next day’s classes.

Please be aware that next-day horses will receive priority and that the Ford Arena will be limited to Ford Arena horses only at all times. A schooling schedule will be posted.

FAQ: Entering Additional Ancillary Classes if Horse is Already Entered in an Ancillary Class
With a lot of people coming to the NRBC for the first time, the NRBC office has been getting multiple questions. One of the most common is about adding additional ancillary classes if a horse is already entered in a class.

For adding additional ancillary classes for a horse that is already entered in at least one ancillary class, there is NO LATE FEE as long as the horse is entered by NOON the day prior to the class.

However, if a horse entered in an ancillary class adds an entry in an NRBC aged event, all normal late fees will apply.

FAQ: Arena Conflicts – What to Do if you Draw up in Two Arenas at the Same Time
In the event of a draw conflict (Rider/Horse or Rider/Trainer) between the arenas, the FORD arena will take precedence and will remain unchanged.

The draw position will be modified at the Super Duty Indoor or Super Duty Covered Arena.

If there is a conflict between the Super Duty Indoor and Super Duty Covered arenas, the Super Duty Indoor will take precedence and will remain unchanged. The Super Duty Covered Arena draw will be modified.

To have a draw position moved, talk with the back gate person at the arena that doesn’t take precedence. Do not go to the horse show office, or to the announcer, or to the bit judge.

The back gate person is the only one who has the authority to modify a draw position.

Draws may be moved earlier in the class and may be moved as early as desired but will always go last in a set.

Draws may also be moved later in the class. However, draws moved later will only be allowed to move a maximum of two sets later than the original draw. Draws moved later will always go last in the set.

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