For Casey and Nicole Deary, the NRBC is a must-attend event. Casey noted, “The great business leaders at NRBC created the vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision and drive it to completion. Together, the Pro Management Team and NRBC have created a major derby event that the greatest horses in the reining industry attend.”
NRBC Vice President, Colleen McQuay notes, “It is always appreciated to have our top trainers realize the importance of supporting a special event like the NRBC. We thank Casey and Nicole Deary for sponsoring the Open Finals Reception for the second year. I know the evening will be extra special for our twentieth celebration!”
Nicole Deary added, “We enjoy the event – the dinner receptions are incredible and welcoming for competitors and owners. The horse show staff is accommodating and knowledgeable of the horse and rider needs. Deary Performance Horses has proudly supported the NRBC horse show for over 15 years.”
One of the brightest stars of the reining world, Million Dollar Rider Casey Deary is a two-time National Reining Horse Association Futurity Champion, with a host of other prestigious wins and finals qualifications to his credit.
Deary Performance Horses is located in Weatherford, Texas and its mission is to breed, train, show, and sell quality horses for the reining horse industry. Nicole serves as ranch manager and the current staff includes Trent Harvey, Josh Tishman, Abby Lengel, Kaci O’Roarke, Edward Harrison, Oscar Vargas, Benito Ruiz and Nestor Vargas. For more information on Deary Performance Horses, visit the website at www.dearyperormance.com.
Since its inception, the National Reining Breeders Classic has grown to include over 200 subscribed stallions, and in its twentieth year in 2017, the total payout will exceed $20 million. For information on the NRBC, visit the website at www.nrbc.com or call 580-759-3939.