NRBC Spotlights Enrolled Stallions

The staff of the National Reining Breeders Classic headquarters has been hard at work and is proud to announce exciting new updates to the NRBC website. As of this week, stallion listings have been enhanced with a photo of the stallions at

The stallion pictures are also linked to a stallion bio featuring a larger picture and detailed information about each stallion. Plus, stallion owners can send ads or flyers to replace the bio and update pictures to enhance their page as they wish. These changes make the listings more personalized for stallion owners.

NRBC Program Manager Angel Hooker said, “We so appreciate the stallion owners who participate and are a part of NRBC. That is why we wanted to come up with a way to showcase the exceptional quality of these stallions.”

The website layout has also been changed to a format that is more pleasing to the eye. The names are now listed in a grid format rather than a long column to create a better browsing experience for mare owners. To further assist mare owners, NRBC Foal Enrollment forms have been added. They appear when you click on a stallion’s picture and read his bio. The forms can then be printed and mailed or faxed to the NRBC office.

The NRBC is a stallion incentive program. After a stallion becomes part of the program, his foals may be enrolled. Those foals, as 4, 5, and 6-year-olds, can then compete at the prestigious week-long event which has paid out $20 million in its past 20 years. For more information including the event schedule and entry forms, visit

Stallion News

Attention Stallion Owners – Additional NRBC Benefits at the 2017 Show

At its December 20 Board Meeting, it was decided that all current subscribed stallion owners can send a 30-second video spot to be played on the Jumbotron and Live Internet feed during the 2017 NRBC.

NRBC Vice President Colleen McQuay explained, “We want to give an additional benefit to our stallion owners in this 20th year. So many people have supported this program over the years by participating with their stallions. This is a way of saying thanks to them.”

She continued, “This program would not be the success it is without the investment, confidence, and support we have been given from each of our stallion owners. That has been a great part of helping the program reach its potential. We are grateful to them.”

Stallion News