The National Reining Breeders Classic Board of Directors met on December 20 and in an eleventh-hour decision moved to increase the number of Open Finalists beginning with the upcoming NRBC show set for April 16-23.

Not only will the 20th NRBC cross the $20 Million payout mark, with this new decision, every eligibility division from L1 to L4 in both the Open and the Non Pro Classic will have 30 finalists.

NRBC President Tom McCutcheon brought the idea of increasing the number of Open Finalists to the board. He said, “Reining has become much more competitive at all levels. We think that doing this will benefit both owners and trainers. More horses will have a chance to earn important credentials for their records.”

According to NRBC Secretary-Treasurer Cheryl Magoteaux Cody, the change came about after the 2017 Premium book was printed and mailed. “So the terms and conditions that are in our 2017 Show Premium Book are outdated. We will update the Terms and Conditions on the website right away.”

Cody added, “In a year where we are celebrating 20 years of the NRBC, it seemed fitting to the entire board to increase opportunities for those who participate. Of course, besides the achievement, all NRBC finalists in all levels receive paychecks and awards. We are all looking forward to another historic show in 2017!”

For additional information on the National Reining Breeders Classic, visit the web site at or call 580-759-3939.

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